
Mount Huashan Tour in National Day

Backtrack later by Dongfeng peak, and then yangtze river cruises through the peak, peak to peak marching south. Ground with the rhythm of the rain also, gradually along the way few visitors, most of the time basically only two of us. The first known post-peak South Mountain cliff into the first insurance sky. Large in the sky is divided into three sections, the first paragraph is more than 80 degrees along the iron bars and Shiwo ten meters under the composition of the ladder; followed the cliff next to a section covered with wood, which we often see on a normal photo period , is actually a relative of the safest; final section is the most horrible chisel on the cliff only a few Shiwo, foot of Shiwo, clasped close to the cliffs of the chains move slowly sideways. When we went there, increasing clouds, feels like the first paragraph of the ladder through the Wonderland general, in-line clouds, no end in sight, take such great steps or ladders slope must be referred to a body, face inward, saw the foot of the place, slowly lower and then take the following two paragraphs, when the whirring of the wind whistling around us, looked out, a sea of ​​clouds, could see nothing, perhaps this feeling did not go abyss of terror. At the end of the road at a small temple, quickly go about worship gods, bless their own security through the sky at large.

Mountain rain swim two risks, the mood is yangtze river tour very emotional experience for me, this is certainly unforgettable. Followed immediately on the highest peak south peak, peak at the rain sandwiched wind, almost make one fallen, we always held onto the chains, Xifeng around the circle and continue to work towards. So far, today has climbed nearly eight hours, and gradually, feeling tired, the days are slowly down the dark, the rain gradually percolate through the thin coat and clothes, the winds, hit a few people from time to time Cold War really is the kind of cold and hunger situation. Fortunately, Xifeng under a well-meaning people, it is too cheap to sell us some eggs, and provides warm water, allow us to breathe. After the break we quickly climbed Xifeng, back to the residence, collapsed immediately after eating in bed, after all, today's strength is relatively large, and eight hours travel over the mountain's nearly full.

Accompanied by intermittent rain, I fell asleep, the next day's sunrise is not expected to read. Sleep last night to sleep is also particularly tasty. The next day before dawn, the weather is not good, I did not expect the weather not long after a sudden turn for the better, and with the sunrise missed. We are prepared after a little trimming down, although the calf sour, but relatively speaking the mountains, down a lot easier. About a half hour, we then down to North Peak. For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary

